
Pinocytosis as measured by the uptake of 125I-labelled PVP by the isolated cultured day 12 rat yolk sac was observed to be linear over a 4h incubation period and to proceed at a rate of ∼2.5 μl/mg protein/h. Cadmium, anti-visceral yolk sac antibody (AVYS) and trypan blue all inhibited pinocytosis in a concentration-dependent fashion when added to the culture medium, although at low concentrations trypan blue was slightly stimulatory. The effect of zinc on the inhibition of pinocytosis by these three teratogens was studied. It was observed that zinc ameliorated the inhibitory effects of cadmium and AVYS, but had no effect on inhibition by trypan blue. These results indicate that the previously demonstrated protective action of zinc against cadmium-induced yolk sac dysfunction is not specific to that agent but extends to inhibition of pinocytosis by AVYS, and further suggest that, because of its refractoriness to zinc, trypan blue-induced inhibition of pinocytosis by yolk sac occurs by a mechanism different from that effected by cadmium and AVYS.

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