
Previous research has demonstrated a subnuclear organization within the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) based upon cytoarchitecture, synaptology, and the distribution of biogenic amines and peptides. To determine whether individual subnuclei of IPN can be further differentiated with regard to their afferents, we investigated the distribution of inputs from the nucleus of the diagonal band. Autoradiographic analyses demonstrated a diagonal band projection to IPN which is not homogeneously distributed among individual subnuclei. The greatest density of silver grains was located over the dorsal subnucleus, followed in order of diminishing density by the rostral, central, intermediate and lateral subnuclei. These findings confirm the existence of a projection from the nucleus of the diagonal band to the IPN, and support the concept that individual subnuclei within the IPN may be further differentiated on the basis of their afferent input.

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