
The paper presents data on risk factors for the development of chemical burns of the cornea, and presents the most common causes that can cause burn injury to the cornea. The clinical picture of chemical burns of the cornea in dogs and cats is analyzed in detail, differential diagnostic criteria and their prognostic significance are described. A treatment regimen for chemical burns of the cornea is proposed depending on the location and size of the defect. The most common types of chemical reagents that cause corneal burns are household chemicals. The most severe type of burn is the one that affects the limbal zone, leading to the development of limbal cell insufficiency and, as a consequence, more severe complications. The proposed treatment regimen for chemical burns of the cornea, based on the size and location of the defect, has shown its effectiveness and consistency. With timely treatment, taking into account the clinical picture, and a prognosis based on it, it is possible to save not only the eyeball as an organ, but also to achieve complete restoration of the morphofunctional characteristics of the cornea.

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