
Background. Speech and cognitive disorders of vascular genesis account for a significant percentage of the existing consequences of local disorders of cerebral circulation. Approximately 2140% of stroke patients suffer from persistent aphasia, which gradually worsens the quality of life and rehabilitation results.
 Aim. Improving the quality of neurorehabilitation of patients who have suffered a brain stroke.
 Materials and methods. The analysis of differential clinical signs of aphasia syndrome in patients of neuro-intensive care and vascular neurological departments was carried out. The typical clinical symptoms of aphasia syndrome characteristic of ICU patients were identified, a rehabilitation direction was proposed that promotes rapid compensation of syndromes in the acute recovery period (up to 88% of cases). The clinical signs of aphasia syndrome at the late, residual recovery stage have been clarified. An effective method of neurorehabilitation of patients with aphasia syndrome in the late recovery period (significant positive dynamics up to 85% of cases) is proposed.
 Results. Achieved high results in the reversibility of the aphasia syndrome, both at an early and late, residual, recovery stage.
 Conslusion. Aphasia syndrome in acute and residual recovery periods has a certain specificity of its clinical manifestation. This factor must be taken into account: 1) when making speech diagnoses; 2) when planning rehabilitation programs. An effective rehabilitation technique for the aphasia syndrome involves a functional reorganization of mental processes, which allows speech thinking to either completely return or get as close as possible to its original state, regardless of the stage of recovery work.

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