
The effect of electrical stimulation of the centromedian-parafascicular complex on local cerebral blood flow and local cerebral glucose utilization was investigated in anesthetized, paralysed and ventilated rats. Local cerebral blood flow and local cerebral glucose utilization were measured in separate groups of animals using the autoradiographic ( 14C)iodoantipyrine and ( 14C)2-deoxyglucose methods, respectively. Because of the well-established centromedian-parafascicular complex neuroanatomical connections, three functional neuronal systems were analysed and compared: the extrapyramidal motor system the limbic system and the reticular formation, also known as the ascending activating system. Cortical regions not included in the limbic system were considered separately. The validity of comparisons between changes in local cerebral blood flow and local cerebral glucose utilization across the brain was verified by assessing the reactivity and stability of the cortical blood flow during long-term centromedian-parafascicular complex stimulation. Centromedian-parafascicular complex stimulation elicited a marked but heterogeneous increase in local cerebral blood flow in 50 of the 52 cerebral structures measured. The most pronounced increases were seen in the lateral habenular nucleus (331 ± 30% of control), the zona incerta (400 ± 55%), the mesencephalic reticular formation (415 ± 122%) and the parietal cortex (211 ±35%). In contrast, local cerebral glucose utilization remained statistically unchanged (P$˛0.05) in 28 of these 50 individual brain regions during centromedian-parafascicular complex stimulation. The most pronounced increases in local cerebral glucose utilization were seen in the zona incerta (123 ±28%) and the mesencephalic reticular formation (193 ±26%). Local cerebral blood flow and local cerebral glucose utilization were linearly related in unstimulated controls, considering either all brain regions taken as a whole or the three systems separately. The significant increase in the slopes of the regression line between local cerebral blood flow and local cerebral glucose utilization for the reticular formation and the limbic system during centromedian-parafascicular complex stimulation indicates, however, that the coupling mechanisms for these systems, but not for the extrapyramidal motor system, were reset. The local cerebral blood flow to local cerebral glucose utilization ratio was heterogeneous in controls and differentially increased during centromedian-parafascicular complex stimulation, being markedly pronounced in the parietal cortex and in the reticular formation. We conclude that these results, for the first time, provide evidence that, the functionally well-defined neural networks may have different mechanisms whereby changes in vascular and metabolic demands are regulated.

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