
Ferrichromes are a family of fungal siderophores with cyclic hexapeptide structures. Most fungi produce one or two ferrichrome-type siderophores. Acremonium persicinum MF-347833 produces ferrichrome-like potent Trojan horse antifungal antibiotics ASP2397 and AS2488053, the aluminum- and iron-chelating forms of AS2488059, respectively. Here, we show by gene sequencing followed by gene deletion experiments that A. persicinum MF-347833 possesses two nonribosomal peptide synthetase genes responsible for AS2488059 and ferricrocin assembly. AS2488059 was produced under iron starvation conditions and excreted into the media to serve as a defense metabolite and probably an iron courier. In contrast, ferricrocin was produced under iron-replete conditions and retained inside the cells, likely serving as an iron-sequestering molecule. Notably, the phylogenetic analyses suggest the different evolutionary origin of AS2488059 from that of conventional ferrichrome-type siderophores. Harnessing two ferrichrome-type siderophores with distinct biological properties may give A. persicinum a competitive advantage for surviving the natural environment.

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