
Hippocampal pyramidal cells represent an animal's position in space together with specific contexts and events. However, it is largely unknown how distinct types of GABAergic interneurons contribute to such computations. We recorded from the intermediate CA1 hippocampus of head-fixed mice exhibiting odor-to-place memory associations during navigation in a virtual reality (VR). The presence of an odor cue and its prediction of a different reward location induced a remapping of place cell activity in the virtual maze. Based on this, we performed extracellular recording and juxtacellular labeling of identified interneurons during task performance. The activity of parvalbumin (PV)-expressing basket, but not of PV-expressing bistratified cells, reflected the expected contextual change in the working-memory-related sections of the maze. Some interneurons, including identified cholecystokinin-expressing cells, decreased activity during visuospatial navigation and increased activity during reward. Our findings suggest that distinct types of GABAergic interneuron are differentially involved in cognitive processes of the hippocampus.

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