
U-Pb systems were examined in samples (ranging from 4 to 10 cm3 in volume) of ore material taken from along a 3.5-m profile across a zone of U mineralization exposed in an underground mine at the Strel’tsovskoe U deposit in eastern Transbaikalia. The behaviors of two isotopic U-Pb systems (238U-206Pb and 235U-207Pb) are principally different in all samples from our profile. While the individual samples are characterized by a vast scatter of their T(206Pb/238U) age values (from 112 to 717 Ma), the corresponding T(207Pb/235U) values vary much less significantly (from 127 to 142 Ma) and are generally close to the true age of the U mineralization. The main reason for the distortion of the U-Pb system is the long-lasting (for tens of million years) migration of intermediate decay products in the 238U-206Pb(RD238U) in the samples. This process resulted in the loss of RD238U from domains with high U concentrations and the subsequent accommodation of RD238U at sites with low U concentrations. The long-term effect of these opposite processes resulted in a deficit or excess of 206Pb as the final product of 238U decay. The loss or migration of RD238U are explained by the occurrence of pitchblende in association with U oxides that have higher Si and OH concentrations than those in the pitchblende and a higher +6U/+4U ratio. The finely dispersed character of the mineralization and the loose or metamict texture of the material are the principal prerequisites for RD238U loss and an excess of 206Pb in adjacent domains with low U concentrations. Domains with low U contents in the zone with U mineralization serve as geochemical barriers (because of sulfides contained in them) at which long-lived RD238U(226Ra, 210Po, 210Bi, and 210Pb) were accommodated and subsequently caused an excess of 206Pb. The 235U-207Pb system remained closed because of the much briefer lifetime of the 235U decay products. This may account for the significant discrepancies between the T(206Pb/238U) and T(207Pb/235U) age values. RD238U was most probably lost via the migration of radioisotopes at the middle part and end of the 238U family (starting with 226Ra). The heavy Th, Pa, and U radioisotopes (234Th, 234Pa, 234U, and 230Th) that occur closer to the beginning of 238U decay, before 226Ra, only relatively insignificantly participated in the process. Our results show that the loss and migration of RD238U are, under certain conditions, the main (or even the only) process responsible for the distortion of the U-Pb system.

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