
ABSTRACTIn Arabidopsis thaliana AtPEPR1 and AtPEPR2 act as the receptors for the endogenous AtPROPEP-derived Pep peptides and subsequently initiate defense-signaling cascades. In the previous work,9 the expression pattern of the genes encoding the PEPR receptors and the AtPROPEP peptide precursor proteins was studied using promoter-GUS reporter constructs. Here, using the same constructs to study their expression pattern under biotic and abiotic stress, including AtPep1, flg22, methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and NaCl treatments, we observed that in response to AtPep1 and flg22, the activation of AtPEPR1 promoter was different from AtPEPR2. We also found that these promoters were differentially activated in response to NaCl. Remarkably, we showed that it is possible to classify the genes of the AtPROPEP family, based on the response of their promoters to the various stimuli employed: thus, we classify AtPROPEP1 in one group; AtPROPEP2 and AtPROPEP3 in a second group; AtPROPEP4, AtPROPEP7 and AtPROPEP8 in a third group and AtPROPEP5 in a fourth group. Our finding, confirm non-redundant roles among the members of the AtPROPEP family and their corresponding receptors.

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