
Chestnut allergy has been almost exclusively considered in the context of the latex-fruit syndrome. Chestnut allergens not linked to latex hypersensitivity have not been studied. We sought to explore whether differences in sensitization patterns between chestnut allergy with or without associated latex-fruit syndrome can be detected. Twelve patients sensitized to chestnut but not to latex and 3 control patients with latex-chestnut allergy were analyzed. A major chestnut allergen was purified and characterized. IgE immunoblotting, specific IgE determination, and skin prick tests with 5 isolated allergens involved in food allergy or latex-fruit syndrome were also performed. A major 9-kd allergen was detected in chestnut extract, isolated, and identified as lipid transfer protein (LTP) Cas s 8. Specific IgE to this allergen was found in 91% (by means of IgE immunoblotting) and 58% (by means of ELISA) of sera from patients with chestnut but not latex allergy. Moreover, 66% of these patients had positive skin prick test responses to Cas s 8. Additionally, allergenic LTPs from peach fruit and Artemisia vulgaris pollen were also reactive. In contrast, avocado class I chitinase and latex hevein, allergens associated with the latex-fruit syndrome, showed no reaction. The opposite situation was exhibited by patients with latex-chestnut allergy. Patients with chestnut allergy with or without associated latex hypersensitivity present different patterns of major allergens (LTPs and class I chitinases, respectively). LTPs and class I chitinases can be used as diagnostic tools in patients with chestnut allergy to predict whether an associated latex sensitization and a risk of potential cross-reactivity with other plant foods and pollens exist.

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