
Historical La Nina events since 1950 are divided into Eastern Pacific (EP) type and Central Pacific (CP) type, and the SSTA developing features as well as the different responses of the tropical atmosphere are further analyzed by using multiple datasets. Classification of different types La Nina is based on the normalized Nino3 and Nino4 indices and the SSTA distribution pattern during the mature phase. The minimum negative SSTA for CP La Nina is located over the equatorial central Pacific near the dateline, more westward than that of EP La Nina. It has stronger intensity and larger east-west zonal difference of SSTA over the equatorial Pacific than EP La Nina. Influenced by the different SSTA distribution pattern, CP La Nina induces more westward location of the anomalous sinking motion and the anomalous low-level divergent and high-level convergent winds over the equatorial eastern Pacific. The different response of the tropical atmospheric circulation between EP and CP La Nina is more significant in the upper troposphere than in the lower troposphere. However, the tropical precipitation patterns during the mature phase of EP and CP La Nina are much similar, except the less (more) precipitation over the equatorial central Pacific (eastern Indian Ocean-western Pacific) during CP La Nina than during EP La Nina.

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