
Since 2009, there have been two training models promoting medical training at the Federal University of Bahia: the traditional and the cycle system. The curricular changes aimed to guide the professional profile for a better performance at the Brazilian Unified Health System and to develop a greater understanding of human diversity, illness and care. This study analyzed whether these models have produced different conceptions about what humanized care means to medical students. The similitude analysis was used, with the support of the Iramuteq software for data treatment. It was observed that both groups share conceptions centered on the patient; however, students graduating from the Interdisciplinary Bachelor Degree in Health demonstrated that they based their ideas on an expanded concept of health considering its various determinants. Students enrolled in the course through their grades at the National High School Examination, exposed perceptions of the topic considering necessary ethical and humanistic aspects but limited to the direct contact between doctor and patient. It is concluded that the previous training in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor's Degree in Health could be responsible for the development of the students' critical assessment of the concept of health and the importance of the Humanization of Care.

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