
Both the increasing interest on healthy life and the legal limitations of each country for a specific wine style make essential the adjustment of the wine alcohol content. Especially the increase of the average weather temperature around the world gives rise to the grapes grown into high sugar content and low acidity. The wines produced from these grapes have consequently high alcohol content. High alcohol levels can negatively influence wine aroma balance in conjunction with the consumer acceptance. Furthermore excessive alcohol in wine may increase costs in countries where taxes are levied according to alcohol concentration. Several techniques have been developed for the reduction of ethanol content in wines with excessive alcohol content. The techniques at issue are applied on different stages of wine making process. Implementation of different viticulture techniques including reducing leaf area, monitoring maturity and aroma profiles or winemaking practices like utilisation of enzymes, different yeast strains and post fermentation practices such as distillation, blending and membrane based systems applications form a basis for the adjustment of elevated alcohol levels in wine.The aim of this review is to provide technical and practical information covering the outstanding techniques that may be used to adjust elevated alcohol concentration in wine and their effects on wine from the point of organoleptic characteristics view.

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