
Nonthyroidal illness (NTI) and fasting in man are characterized by a low serum concentration of T3 and an increased serum concentration of rT3. Since the serum level of T3 is one of the most important factors that determine the metabolic rate, the low serum T3 during NTI or fasting results in reduction of the energy consumption of the body. This can be regarded as an adaptive mechanism to save energy, and thus to conserve protein and to protect organ function. The low serum T3 concentration should preferentially be maintained until recovery from illness or adequate calorie supply. This implies that the low serum T3 should not result in a rise in serum TSH. We postulate that different regulation of thyroid hormone transport into the relevant tissues, i.e., liver and pituitary, may play a role in maintenance of the low T3 production during NTI and fasting. This hypothesis is further elaborated in this paper by comparing (i) the properties of the thyroid hormone uptake mechanism in rat and human hepatocytes, perfused rat liver, and rat anterior pituitary cells, and (ii) the effects of fasting and conditions that mimic NTI on thyroid hormone transport in the same preparations. In addition, the consequences of changes in thyroid hormone transport and peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism during fasting and NTI for the serum level of rT3 and for TSH secretion are discussed. The data are compatible with the existence of different transport systems for thyroid hormone in liver and pituitary. We suggest that these different thyroid hormone carriers allow tissue-specific regulation of the intracellular availability of T3.

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