
An experiment was conducted at the Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh during the year 2021-2022. This experiment was conducted to assess the best extraction method for highest concentrated Betalain formulation. The best betalain extraction method was obtained from freezing – ground and squeezing method, which had highest betalain extract (530m/kg fresh beetroot) with pH 5.08. Altogether 11 treatments were taken for both betalain powder and beetroot leather preparation. Combination of Freezed-Betalain and 3g corn starch (T9) was found best for betalain powder prepration in terms of physio-chemical properties, pH and organoleptic test viz. color and appearance, texture and taste. The combination of beetroot pulp 860g + 1g salt + 1g citric acid + 200g sugar + 4g maltodextrin powder was best for preparation of beetroot leather in terms of physio-chemical properties and organoleptic taste. The powder and leather samples were stored both at ambient temperature (28 ± 5 °C) and refrigerated condition (5 ± 2 °C) for 60 days. Beetroot leather performed well under cold temperature than the room temperature and on the other, betalain powder performed better in room temperature. The maximum Benefit cost ratio (2.46) was found in T9 (Freezed Betalain + 3g corn starch).

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