
The fermentation kinetics of both fibre choice and maize particle size were studied in vitro from the ileal contents of cannulated pigs given five different experimental diets. Additionally, in vitro batch systems were used to study the quantitative effect of fibre choice and maize particle size on Salmonella Typhimurium growth. Freeze-dried ileal effluents obtained from five cannulated pigs given the five experimental diets in a latin square were used as incubation substrates. The experimental diets consisted of: (1) a standard maize-based diet (ST) where all the ingredients were milled to pass through a 2.5-ml screen, (2) the same diet with the maize ground using a 4.0-ml screen (CG), (3 and 4) two diets in which the maize was partially replaced by (3) sugar beet pulp (80 g/kg; BP) or (4) wheat bran (100 g/kg; WB), or (5) a combination of 80 g sugar beet pulp and 100 g wheat bran/kg (diet HF). Results showed that substrate from BP and HF generated more gas than substrate from ST (P<0.001). In addition, short chain fatty acids production during the entire incubation period was higher (P=0.001) for all the substrates compared to ST substrate (P<0.001) where lower acetate and higher propionate, valerate and branched-chain fatty acids molar ratios were measured. The molar ratio of acetate was highest and the branched-chain fatty acids was lowest for substrates from diets that included sugar beet pulp. The butyrate molar ratio was lower for all substrates compared to the ST diet except for the WB diet. After 12 h of incubation, HF substrate presented the lowest ammonia (91.7 mg/l vs. 125.3 mg/l, P=0.014) and the highest purine bases concentration (0.28 μmol/ml vs. 0.22 μmol/ml, P=0.009). None of the substrates showed any inhibitory effect on Salmonella growth when the batch systems were inoculated with S. Typhimurium. In summary, under the in vitro conditions used, the changes in hindgut fermentation promoted by the inclusion of different fibrous ingredients or by different maize particle size did not produce an inhibitory effect on the growth of S. Typhimurium.

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