
Picosecond transient absorption spectra of Mb, MbCO, and MbO2 have been studied at time delays of up to 10 ns after excitation at 353 nm. Particular attention has been paid to the rapid spectral changes that occur in the Soret region during the first 50 ps in MbCO and MbO2. In MbCO both the bleaching of the Soret peak (feature I) and the appearance of new deoxy-like absorption (feature II) occur instantaneously, whereas in MbO2 feature II is delayed with respect to feature I. A short-lived (approximately 12 ps) feature near 455 nm (feature III) was much more intense in MbO2 than in MbCO and was also identified in the transient spectrum of Mb. No evidence of subnanosecond geminate recombination was found in either MbCO or MbO2. These observations are consistent with a scheme in which MbO2 photodissociates through an excited state of Mb, whereas MbCO under the same conditions produces ground state Mb directly. The results and conclusions are compared with those of previous picosecond studies on these molecules and related hemoglobin derivatives.

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