
In this paper, we describe two types of putative facial motoneuron based on their electrophysiological properties and on their firing frequency adaptation as recorded in rat brainstem slices. Type I motoneurons ( n=33, 61%) were characterized by a sustained spike firing during depolarizing current injections and a marked depolarizing sag (inward rectification) during hyperpolarizing pulses. The time-course and voltage-dependence of the inward rectification together with the finding that it was blocked by Cs + are consistent with the involvement of a Na +- and K +-mediated Q current. Type II motoneurons ( n=21, 39%) were identified by a fast spike firing adaptation. Type II cells showed a less pronounced inward rectification with hyperpolarizing current pulses and a higher discharge rate than type I cells during depolarizing current pulses. These distinct discharge properties imply the activation of a Ca 2+-dependent K + current, because when carbachol was added to the bath, or the slice was exposed to a Ca 2+-free solution, a decrease was noticed in the firing frequency adaptation. The two types of motoneuron were further differentiated by the initial delay of the first spike, observed only in type I cells, which was blocked by bath application of 4-aminopyridine, indicating the presence of a K +-mediated A current. The addition of 4-aminopyridine to the bath also increased the firing rate due to a decrease of the post-spike afterhyperpolarization. However, the two types of motoneuron were not morphologically differentiated. Facial motoneurons exhibited rhythmic membrane potential oscillations (8–20 Hz) at depolarized membrane potentials or during the silence following spike frequency adaptation. It is suggested that the intrinsic properties of these two types of facial motoneuron may be relevant in the government of distinct facial muscle activities. The fact that their discharge rate and the level of spike frequency adaptation were modified by altering some K + currents suggests a potential plasticity in the modulation of motoneuron firing activities depending upon functional motor needs.

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