
The only mesopontine neurons previously described as involved in the transfer of ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) waves from the brain stem to the thalamus were termed PGO-on bursting cells. We have studied, in chronically implanted cats, neuronal activities in brain-stem peribrachial (PB) and laterodorsal tegmental (LDT) cholinergic nuclei in relation to PGO waves recorded from the lateral geniculate (LG) thalamic nucleus during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. We constructed peri-PGO histograms of PB/LDT cells' discharges and analyzed the interspike interval distribution during the period of increased neuronal activity related to PGO waves. Six categories of PGO-related PB/LDT neurons with identified thalamic projections were found: 4 classes of PGO-on cells: PGO-off but REM-on cells: and post-PGO cells. The physiological characteristics of a given cell class were stable even during prolonged recordings. One of these cell classes (1) represents the previously described PGO-on bursting neurons, while the other five (2-6) are newly discovered neuronal types. (1) Some neurons (16% of PGO-related cells) discharged stereotyped low-frequency (120-180 Hz) spike bursts preceding the negative peak of the LG-PGO waves by 20-40 msec. These neurons had low firing rates (0.5-3.5 Hz) during all states. (2) A distinct cell class (22% of PGO-related neurons) fired high-frequency spike bursts (greater than 500 Hz) about 20-40 msec prior to the thalamic PGO wave. These bursts were preceded by a period (150-200 msec) of discharge acceleration on a background of tonically increased activity during REM sleep. (3) PGO-on tonic neurons (20% of PGO-related neurons) discharged trains of repetitive single spikes preceding the thalamic PGO waves by 100-150 msec, but never fired high-frequency spike bursts. (4) Other PGO-on neurons (10% of PGO-related neurons) discharged single spikes preceding thalamic PGO waves by 15-30 msec. On the basis of parallel intracellular recordings in acutely prepared, reserpine-treated animals, we concluded that the PGO-on single spikes arise from conventional excitatory postsynaptic potentials and do not reflect tiny postinhibitory rebounds. (5) A peculiar cellular class, termed PGO-off elements (8% of PGO-related neurons), consisted of neurons with tonic, high discharge rates (greater than 30 Hz) during REM sleep. These neurons stopped firing 100-200 msec before and during the thalamic PGO waves. (6) Finally, other neurons discharged spike bursts or tonic spike trains 100-300 msec after the initially negative peak of the thalamic PGO field potential (post-PGO elements, 23% of PGO-related neurons).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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