
10737 Background: Paper was aimed to compare differences in pre-operative management, decision on surgery and surgical approach for breast cancer in six European Breast Cancer Units in Italy, France, Czech Republic and Serbia and Montenegro, and to discuss impact of detected differences on outcome of the disease. Methods: The authors of this paper, who have been invited as young visiting/observing/training guests by four prestigious European Breast Cancer Units in Italy and France (National Cancer Institute - Milan, European Institute of Oncology - Milan, Institute Gustave Roussy - Villejuif, Institute Curie - Paris) as fellows of different European and international institutions (EUSOMA, EACR, ESSO, UICC, ESO, FECS, French Government) in the period 2003–2005, tried to detect and compare differences regarding pre-surgical evaluation, decision making and surgical approach for breast cancer as well as to discuss the impact of identified changes on outcome of the disease. The special attention has been directed to inspection of such small details as waiting list for consultation and hospitalisation, way of decision for surgical intervention (individual or oncology meeting/staff), horizontal or oblique incision for mastectomy, duration of hospital stay, sentinel node procedure (blue dye, radioactive tracer or both, one or two-days protocol, imunochistochemistry examinations during frozen section or not), preferred way of breast reconstruction, number of assistants during operation, drainage, preservation of intercostobrachial nerve during axillary surgery, suture, etc. The data were collected according to personal presence in different institutes, observation and asking the questions. Descriptive statistics were used to show the differences among the parameters under comparison. Results: This study which clearly showed a great range of differences, sometimes very significant, in parameters regarding pre-surgical evaluation and surgical treatment of breast cancer. Conclusions: Although being found, and sometimes significant, the observed differences in several parameters regarding pre-operative evaluation and surgical treatment of breast cancer in six European breast cancer units do not have influence to the outcome of the breast cancer. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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