
It has been widely demonstrated that there are a broad range of individual responses to all weight management regimens, often masked by reports of the mean. Identifying features of responders and non-responders to weight loss regimens enables a more tailored approach to the provision of weight management advice. Low-carbohydrate diets are currently popular, and anecdote suggests that males are more successful at losing weight using this approach. This is feasible given the physiological and socio-psychological differences between the genders. We analysed the extent and variation in weight change for males and females separately through a systematic search for all low-carbohydrate diet trials published since 1985. Very few studies compared weight loss outcomes by gender and, of those that did, most lacked supporting data. The majority of studies reported no gender difference but when a gender difference was found, males were more frequently reported as losing more weight than females on a low-carbohydrate diet. The lack of gender stratification in weight loss trials is concerning, as there are a range of gender-based factors that affect weight loss outcomes. This study highlights the importance of examining weight change for males and females separately, since as failure to do so may mask any potential differences, which, if detected, could assist with better weight loss outcomes.

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