
Wample, R. L. and Thornton, R. K. 1984. Differences in the response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) subjected to flooding and drought stress.Comparison of drought‐ and flood‐stressed sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. hybrid 894) showed some similarities in response but differences in the mechanisms responsible for the responses to stress. Drought–stressed plants showed typical reductions in leaf water potential with increasing stress accompanied by increased leaf resistance. Photosynthesis declined while photorespiration increased after 48 and 96 h of drought stress. A primary reason for reduced photosynthesis in drought‐stressed plants was increased stomatal resistance. No significant 0change in leaf water potential or in leaf resistance in flooded plants was found in this study. However, photosynthesis declined in a manner similar to that in drought‐stressed plants and photorespiration showed only a transient increase at 48 h. Dark respiration was significantly higher at 48 and 96 h but the magnitude of the increase cannot account for the reduction in photosynthesis. Since the photosynthetic rate of flooded plants declined while stomata remained open, an effect at a more fundamental level is suggested and is thought to be related to disruption of carbohydrate transport.

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