
We compared nestling begging calls of four hosts (reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus; great reed warbler, A. arundinaceus; dunnock, Prunella modularis; and meadow pipit, Anthus pratensis) and the respective host-races of the common cuckoo. Note structure varied between host species, but not between cuckoo host-races, so cuckoos did not vary their call note structure to match that of their hosts' chicks. Call rate increased with age, but there were marked differences between both host species and cuckoo host-races. Dunnock-cuckoos called more rapidly than reed warbler-cuckoos despite growing at the same rate. We suggest this difference reflects how cuckoos tune into the way these host species respond to begging signals from their own young, because dunnock chicks called much more rapidly than reed warbler chicks. Great reed warbler-cuckoos called at a lower rate than reed warbler-cuckoos when young, but at a greater rate when older than 8 days. This could also result from the cuckoo chicks tuning into differences in the way these hosts respond to begging signals. However, great reed warbler-cuckoos grew at a faster rate than the other cuckoo host-races, so they may also call faster to demand higher provisioning rates from this larger host. To test these hypotheses critically, data are needed on how the different host species integrate visual and vocal begging signals from their own broods. We discuss how differences in cuckoo begging might develop, given that cuckoo host-races are restricted to female cuckoo lineages. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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