
The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in learning independence through Annibukue-books. The subjects are the tenth grade students of the Cimahi City SKB Package C, which include 30people. The data collection technique is carried out using a questionnaire in order to find out the interpretationof students' mathematics learning through the Annibuku e-book. Based on the description of the research dataand after analyzing it, it can be said that the tenth grade students of Package C at SKB Cimahi City have low,medium, and high levels of learning independence. The average self-reliance in learning mathematics for maleis higher than for female students, where it can be seen that the average independence in learning mathematicsfor male students is 67.1 and the average independence of female students for learning mathematics is 57.SKB is expected to continue to pay attention to the independence of learning mathematics and the developmentof its students to participate in activities held at SKB, for example activities using interesting learning media,so that they can learn more optimally. In addition, tutors are expected to attend training or workshops relatedto the use of effective learning media for learning activities, and tutors are always given praise andencouragement when needed so that a feeling of respect and acceptance will arise in the Cimahi City SKBenvironment.

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