
Contemporary civilization courses and urgency of situations make the job of aworker of security affairs very stressful, risky and complex, and it requires their completemental and physical fi tness. Accordingly, the teaching process within the course of SpecialPhysical Education also needs to be adjusted, modernised, rationalised and broughtcloser to the realistic life conditions, so the worker of security affairswould be able tomake relevant judgements and decisions in very complicated and dangerous situations. Inthat regard, in this paper we are interested in effectiveness of the defense against differenttypes of attacks in the conditions of motionlessness and in the conditions of physiologicalstress. The research has been carried out at a sample of 25 respondents, consisting of thestudents of the fourth year at the Faculty of Security Science in Banja Luka, aged 23 and24 years (22 male respondents and 3 female respondents). The research has been carriedout after fi nishing the program of the course of Special Physical Education, being studiedduring four semesters. After having carried out the testing, based on the descriptive analysisof the heart rates measured in the morning hours (prior to the daily activities) andthe values measured right before the activities, it can be affi rmed that they have increasedmore than 55%. By the further analysis, the analysis of differences, the existence of statisticallysignifi cant differences in the heart rates and defenses against a variable attackhas been confi rmed, while the existence of statistically signifi cant differences betweenother observed variables has not been confi rmed.

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