
To determine the differences between international medical graduates (IMG) and canadian medical graduates (CMG) in the medical learning environment (MLE) as there is progression from matching to residency and beyond. A narrative literature review was done using the search engines pubmed, medline and embase on publications from 2000 to 2021 comparing IMG to CMG and those that compared IMG to non IMG in international publications were also considered. The IMGs are offered less residency program positions compared to CMGs during the CaRMS selection process and specifically less in specialty programs. Amongst the article, 66% of IMGs compared to 90% of CMG were successful in the certification examination of the college of family physicians of Canada. A US article on the other hand found similarities in performance of USMGs and IMGs in a surgical residency program. A lot of IMG face several challenges including perceived systemic and individual discrimination, lack of mentorship and poor ability to navigate after immigration even after they are matched into a Canadian residency program. These are significant issues that should be dealt with to enable increase success and survival of IMGs in the MLE.

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