
1 RESUMO O sistema de irrigação mais apropriado na aplicação de efluentes tratados é o gotejamento, pois não há o risco de contaminação dos frutos e parte aérea da planta e menor possibilidade de contaminação dos agricultores e consumidores, além da economia de água e energia, apresentando, como limitação, a suscetibilidade ao entupimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a uniformidade de aplicação de água na irrigação por gotejamento superficial e subsuperficial, antes e após um ciclo da cultura do tomate de mesa irrigado com água residuária tratada proveniente de abate de bovinos, fertirrigação convencional e água natural de um córrego. Os ensaios de vazão por emissor foram realizados em três linhas de cada combinação de água e tipo de gotejamento, em um total de 12 gotejadores por lateral, nos emissores novos e após 90 dias do ciclo da cultura. Com as vazões, foram calculados o CUC, CUD e CUE de cada tratamento. Houve maior redução dos valores de CUC, CUD e CUE na irrigação com água residuária e gotejamento enterrado. Após o ciclo da cultura do tomate o CUC foi classificado como excelente,o CUD como bom e o CUE como excelente para a maioria dos tratamentos. Palavras-chaves: gotejamento subsuperficial, efluente, fertirrigação. THEBALDI, M. S.; ROCHA, M. S. da; SANDRI, D.; FELISBERTO, A. B.; AVELINO NETO, S. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT WATER TYPES ON THE DRIP UNIFORMITY IN TOMATO CULTURE 2 ABSTRACT Despite of showing some susceptibility to clogging the drip irrigation system is the most suitable for the application of treated effluents, because there is no risk of fruit and leaves contamination and has reduced possibility of farmer or consumer contamination as well as water and energy savings,. This research aimed to evaluate water application uniformity using surface and subsurface drip irrigation with treated wastewater from cattle slaughter, conventional fertigation and natural water from a stream before and after one fresh tomato crop cycle. On the 90th day of the crop cycle emitter flows were evaluated in three lines of each combination of water and drip type on a total of 12 drip emitters per lateral line. Values of CUC, CUD and CUE for each treatment were computed from the flow measurements. Higher reduction of the CUC, CUD and CUE values were found for wastewater irrigation and subsurface drip irrigation. Once the tomato cycle was over, the CUC was rated excellent, the CUD good and the CUE excellent for most treatments. Keywords: subsurface drip irrigation, effluents, fertigation. r ank� eex�� P� different water accumulation capacities after its execution. Such differences need be further studied and better understood because of the confusion regarding its actual terminology. Variations in underground dam construction techniques demonstrate its great adaptability to different environments and consumer needs. Thus, the aim of this research was to describe the historical development of the semantic usage of the terms connected to the underground water storage technology in the Brazilian semi-arid. It also proposes a new systematization and characterization of construction methods variations emerging the division of underground dams in the two groups: submerse and submersible. The ASA Brasil and EMBRAPA (submersible) models are indicated for family supply in situations of low potential water supply whereas the Costa & Melo (submerse) one is more appropriated when a greater water supply is required. There’s no ideal methodology for construct underground dams, but the one that best fits to the environmental condition of the place where it intends to be build and also social reality of the beneficiary family. Keywords: Life in the semiarid, Rainwater, Family agriculture.

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