
Studies on the chemical stability and interface interaction of diethynyl-thiophene (DET) condensed multilayer at 90K on Cu(100) are reported. The temperature influence in the multilayer and monolayer range has been investigated by means of near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy at the C K-edge. The NEXAFS spectra were recorded at 90K, 150K, 200K, 245K and 298K. Comparison with X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) data, collected on DET at similar temperatures, has also been accomplished. NEXAFS spectra recorded for the multilayer show a strong similarity with those of our previous NEXAFS theoretical and experimental investigations in gas-phase. The multilayer spectra appear affected by the temperature from 90K to 155K, while after desorption a broadening of the main π* region occurs, indicative of interaction with the substrate. XPS data at the S2p core level suggests a partial desulphurization reaction that takes place at nearly room temperature with the S–C replaced by a Cu–C bond.

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