
AbstractJuvenile diet can profoundly affect subsequent adult development, morphology and reproductive investment. Yet, little is known about how juvenile diet affects adult investment into chemical‐based sexual signalling, perhaps due to the historical assumption that pheromone production is not costly. We explored how juvenile diet influenced the reproductive investment of adults in the gumleaf skeletonizer moth, Uraba lugens. Juveniles were reared on different host plant species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus moorei) and on E. moorei host plants with different fertilizer treatments (fertilized and non‐fertilized). These juvenile diets differ in foliage carbon and nitrogen content. Several adult life history traits were influenced by juvenile diet, including body size in females, and longevity in males. However, we found no evidence from Y‐maze olfactometer assays that diet affected the attractiveness of female pheromones to males. Finally, host plant species affected male pre‐copulatory investment: males reared on E. moorei had longer antennae, but less dense sensilla. Combined, our experiments suggest that the effects of juvenile diet on investment in reproductive traits, including those associated with signalling, differ between males and females. Females allocate nutrients to adult body size, which determines fecundity. In contrast, males allocate nutrients to adult longevity and antennae size, both of which improve mate search and mating success.

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