
Adult male, female and juvenile New Zealand and Australian fur seals Arctocephalus forsteri and A. pusillus doriferus regularly return to colonies, creating the potential for intra- and inter-specific foraging competition in nearby waters. We hypothesise that the fur seals in this study utilise different prey, thereby reducing competition and facilitating coexistence. We analysed scats and regurgitates from adult male, female and juvenile New Zealand fur seals and adult male Aus- tralian fur seals and compared prey remains found in the samples. Most prey consumed by adult male and female fur seals occur over the continental shelf or shelf break, less than 200 km from Cape Gantheaume. Adult female fur seals utilised proportionally more low-energy prey such as large squid and medium-sized fish. The adult female diet reflected that of a generalist predator, dictated by prey abundance and their dependant pups' fasting abilities. In contrast, adult male New Zealand and Aus- tralian fur seals consumed proportionally more energy-rich prey such as large fish or birds, most likely because they could more efficiently access and/or handle such prey. Juvenile fur seals primar- ily consumed small fish that occur in pelagic waters, south of the shelf break, suggesting juveniles cannot efficiently utilise prey where adult fur seals forage. The age and sex groups in this study employ dramatically different strategies to maximise their survival and reproductive success and consequently the prey that they utilise reflect their different physiological constraints and metabolic requirements.

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