
LEARNING OUTCOME: To determine whether dieting and weight concerns influence nutrient intake in females 8–17 years of age. A cross-section of young females (n=230) 8–17 years of age from a rural community in Nebraska were surveyed to determine whether dieting and weight behaviors impacts nutrient intake. Research has indicated that dieting behaviors emerge during these years. A previously validated 13-item questionnaire was used to assess frequency of thoughts and practices which involve weight and dieting concerns. Three day diet diaries were analyzed for nutrients and compared with the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) using Food Processor Plus II software. Using the diet record, a Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR) score was determined, based on the intake of 9 nutrients divided by the RDA for the nutrient. These values are then totaled and divided by the number of nutrients studied. Results indicated that 78% of all the girls who answered they “sometimes” or “very often” wished they were thinner, had significantly lower MAR scores (P = 0.0001) then those girls who did not wish they were thinner. Dieting “sometimes” or “very often” was reported by 47% of all girls and they were found to have significantly lower MAR scores (P = 0.0002) than those who did not diet. MAR scores for all girls reporting dieting was 76.4 ± 12.9%. Nutrient inadequacies included: calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C. When analysis of variance was completed on groups by age (8–10, 11–14, and 15–17 yrs) significantly lower MAR scores were only associated with both the desire to be thinner (P=0.04) and reported dieting (P=0.0001) in the 11–14 yr olds. From this study, we conclude there is an association between dieting and weight concerns, and dietary intake in girls 11–14 yrs. This study also suggests that some girls are not meeting minimal nutritional needs which may have a cumulative negative effect on growth and development.

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