
Bhutan is a small landlocked country that lies between the two most populous countries in the world India and China, with a total area of 38,394 square kilometers. A peaceful mountainous kingdom in the Himalayas mandated free education to all children of school-going age up to the 12th standard. Recognizing that education is the fundamental link to national progress, the Royal Government of Bhutan has always and will continue to emphasize education as a priority sector, In doing so, through a dynamic professional health system in the country, Bhutan has made enormous strides in the field of education that promote healthy and happy school children. However, as Bhutan steadily proceeds along its development path, substantial challenges remain, including the dietary habits of an adolescent in higher secondary schools. Therefore, this paper intends to explore the dietary habits among adolescents in higher secondary school. And this will contribute empirical data evidence for the policy framers and implements of the nutrition department at higher authority and school level to improve the dietary habits of adolescents.

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