
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized as chronic anovulation or oligo-menorrhoea and clinical hyper-androgenism. It involves excessive Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) leading to over-production of luteinizing hormone (LH). Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are formed as a result of consuming thermally processed and highly modified foods in body. AGEs are expressed as pro- inflammatory receptors and their production is exaggerated in women with PCOS. The purpose of this to check whether unhealthy dietary habitsresult in increased severity of physical symptoms of PCOS in diagnosed females. And to determine the importance of diet in dealing with PCOS. Cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample size of 45 participants (n=45) diagnosed with PCOS. For statistical analysis, SPSS was used and the values of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient were used to identify the correlation between severity of symptoms and poor dietary habits. The results of our study ranged from weak to moderate which demonstrates that there is a correlation between severity of physical symptoms of PCOS and poor dietary habits. The results of the findings of this study stand true to the hypothesis that there is a correlation between severity of physical symptoms andpoor dietary habits.

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