
Understanding potential limiting factors affecting population growth of the endangered pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus, is important in the upper (UMOR) and lower Missouri River (LMOR) basins. The UMOR is upstream of several reservoirs and generally has more natural habitat features, whereas the LMOR is downstream of these reservoirs and has been channelized to support navigation. In both sections, pallid sturgeon recruitment to age-1 is a concern, but hypothesized for different reasons. One hypothesis in the LMOR centers on food limitation for age-0 fish, which is not considered an issue in the UMOR, but evaluating this hypothesis is challenging given the rarity of age-0 pallid sturgeon. As a result, the related, more abundant shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorhynchus) has been considered as a potential surrogate to assess food-related hypotheses. Thus, the purpose of our study was to compare diets of age-0 sturgeon captured in 2016 from three reaches in the LMOR (Copeland, Langdon, and Lexington) with individuals captured from a reach in the UMOR (Williston) during the same year to provide additional context regarding potential food limitation in the LMOR. Consumption percentage (prey weight in the gut as a percentage of body weight) was similar among all reaches, but diet composition was different for the most downstream reach in the LMOR. Age-0 sturgeon in the UMOR reach as well as the two upstream LMOR reaches primarily consumed Diptera larvae along with Ephemeroptera nymphs. In contrast, age-0 sturgeon in the most downstream LMOR reach (Lexington) almost exclusively consumed Diptera larvae. These results may provide information on relative differences in prey availability between Lexington and the other upstream reaches but the similarity in consumption percentage values across all reaches provide further evidence that age-0 sturgeon are not food limited in the LMOR.

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