
In order to determine the species that make up the diet of Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, "guanay" on Chincha Norte Island from March to September 2019, 55 monthly residual boluses were collected and analyzed, covering settlement and reproduction stages. 17 prey species were recorded (15 fish, 1 cephalopod and 1 crustacean). Engraulis ringens “anchoveta” was the most abundant prey in both stages, with 95.91% of the otoliths (n=27 020), of which 68.19% correspond to adults and 31.81% to juveniles. The Levins index shows that P. bougainvillii is a specialist predator. In addition, elements not typical of the diet were found in the residual boluses, such as isopods 10.65%, lice 2.08%, ticks 0.52% and microplastics 7.01%.

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