
The food habits of the endangered Italian hare have not received adequate attention from researchers. In this study, the diet composition of this species and its sea- sonal variation were assessed by analysing faecal pellets in a semi-natural landscape in the south of Italy. The results showed that hares feed on 62 species of plants during the year, with a conspicuous presence of herbaceous ones (e.g., Trifolium pratense , Brachypodium sylvaticum , Festuca arun- dinacea ) as these occurred at high frequencies in most of the faecal samples. In spring, diet composition was charac- terised by a high percentage of Graminaceae ( > 37%). In the other seasons, hares also included fruits (e.g., Prunus spi- nosa , Pyrus piraster , Malus sylvestris ), which, in autumn, accounted for > 27%. There were significant differences among seasons (p 70%) in the diets during the other seasons with a more pronounced similarity between summer and autumn (S o rensen, C s = 0.80; Morisita-Horn, C MH = 0.73).

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