
Summary The diets of shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, captured between April 2008 and May 2009 were examined in a section of the Wabash River, Indiana (USA), known to be a spawning area. Diets changed throughout the year with spring diets dominated by Chironomidae larvae, while autumn diets were composed primarily of Hydropsychidae larvae. Bony fish remains were also observed in a small percentage of stomachs from fish collected in the spring of each study year. Shovelnose sturgeon captured in the spring also had greater amounts of inorganic materials in their stomachs compared to fish from autumn samples. Results from this study are consistent with reports of shovelnose sturgeon diets in other parts of its native distribution and support previous findings that they are opportunistic feeders throughout the year, although larval Hydropsychidae and Chironomidae appear to be important staples in their diet.

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