
Using pellet analysis, we characterized the diet and plastic and non-plastic debris ingestion of skuas (Catharacta spp.) during 2017-2020 summer seasons along the coastal sector of Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica). In addition, we conducted the same analysis during the 2020 breeding season on reproductive territories of south polar (Catharacta maccormicki) and brown (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) skua. Our results confirm the generalist and opportunistic habits of both skua species. Additionally, it has been proposed that brown skua displaces south polar skua from penguin breeding colonies given its higher competitive abilities, and our results suggest this might not have happened during the study period. Along with evidence from other studies, this work underlines the idea that potential local anthropogenic sources of plastic and non-plastic debris at Fildes Peninsula need to be further addressed to improve current mitigation efforts.

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