
Deep probing questions but answers conceived in vulnerability: On Jurie le Roux�s �spiritual empathy�. Taking the conversation between the Old Testament scholar Jurie le Roux and the dogmatician Johan Heyns as point of departure, it is argued that his well-founded criticism of Heyns has to be taken seriously, as well as his proposition in favour of spiritual empathy to enhance the understanding of historical texts. However, his recommendation for spiritual emphaty is subsequently constructively valued and criticised from a theological-experiential perspective. It is especially noted that, on the one hand, Le Roux�s reactionary historical point of view regarding, amongst others, the retrieval of the orginal intention of the author/text is convincing. On the other hand, it is argued that his perspective is predisposed toward an unproblematical self in the present. As a result, the act of historical interpretation is reduced to dependence on �the seams of the heart� in the individual quester. It is after all argued and substantiated from systematic-theological, postmodern, philosophical and theological-scientific perspectives that historicity does not consist solely of historical �seeing� in the sense of retaining the original intention of the author. Historical understanding also entails historical �hearing� (that is, a surplus of meaning) which broadens and enriches historical understanding.


  • Postal address: Department of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa

  • Deep probing questions but answers conceived in vulnerability: On Jurie le Roux’s ‘spiritual empathy’

  • Taking the conversation between the Old Testament scholar Jurie le Roux and the dogmatician Johan Heyns as point of departure, it is argued that his well-founded criticism of Heyns has to be taken seriously, as well as his proposition in favour of spiritual empathy to enhance the understanding of historical texts

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Original Research

Met antwoorde gebore uit weerloosheid: Nav Jurie le Roux se ‘spirituele empatie’. Een verdere ongemaklike skuif in die denke van Heyns wat nie in Le Roux se kritiek in spel kom nie – maar na my mening juis fataal is – volg dan hierop, en dit is die Heynsiaanse afspeel van openbaring teenoor ervaring. Maar dit sal in die konteks van hierdie vraagstelling en erns maak met die kritiek van Le Roux, dan beteken: Teologie as onklaar histories bepaalde spreke oor God waarin die Godsopenbaring (in uiteenlopende historiese vergestaltinge en wyses!), as objek van teologiese besinning, juis skerper indring in die menslike oog, oor, verstand en hart – en kontekstueel velnaby aan ons almal kom. Vervolgens gaan ek hierop konsentreer aan die hand van die vraag: Hoe sou hierdie gesprek oor historiese verstaan en ervaring met Le Roux as Bybelwetenskaplike verder gevoer kan word? Ek maak in my uiteensetting van Le Roux se benadering tot geskiedenis met dankbare erkenning gebruik van Jonker (2012) se goeie uiteensetting

Spirituele empatie
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