
The dielectric complex spectra of 2-nitrotoluene with primary or secondary alcohol binary mixtures were studied over the frequency range of 10 MHz to 20 GHz for the whole solute mole fraction range at four different temperatures. An unusual suppression phenomenon was observed in the real and imaginary parts of the mixture complex spectrum, which are smaller than those for the pure alcohols, at low solute concentrations. The dielectric constant and dielectric relaxation time values were obtained by fitting the complex dielectric spectrum data to the single Debye model using a non-linear least squares method. The dielectric constant of mixtures decrease with the increasing mole fraction of 2NT in both the primary alcohols and secondary alcohols; the dielectric relaxation time decreases for all the five binary systems. Using the dielectric data, derived dielectric parameters, namely: the excess dielectric constant, excess inverse relaxation time, effective Kirkwood correlation factor, molar activation enthalpy and molar activation entropy, were calculated. The non-linear variation of permittivity (ɛ0) reveals the change in size and shape of hetero-molecular complex due to intermolecular H-bond interaction. The negative variation of the excess permittivity constant confirms that the dipoles form multimer structures with anti-parallel ordering of unlike dipoles. The molar activation enthalpy was found to be higher at 0.2 mol fraction of 2NT for primary alcohol binary system. To confirm the molecular function group interaction, a FT-IR spectroscopy study was carried out at 298 K. The FT-IR analysis confirmed the formation of hydrogen bonds between the hydrogen atom of hydroxyl groups of the alcohols and the oxygen atom of nitro groups of 2NT in the binary mixtures.

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