
An X-band microwave, (9-10 GHz) technique to determine the dielectric blood parameters as an indicatrix for the severity of disease is reported. Relevance of dielectric parameters as the main indicators in the area of diagnostic tools is discussed. An experimental set-up and the relevant procedural details for the measurement of microwave blood parameters for the typhoid and diabetic disease is presented. Microwave (MW) dielectric parameters viz, dielectric constant εr*(ω), wave velocity v(ω) and the impedance z(ω) are measured for collected blood samples (from hospitals) and compared to the clinical values reflecting the disease severity. The dielectric parameters are identified to exhibit similar trends as exhibited by clinical parameters for disease severity. Parametric relations are obtained to address the correlation between dielectric and clinical parameters reflecting the severity. The capability of MW dielectric measurements as the diagnostic tools and severity indicators is demonstrated.

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