
Abstract Dielectric and dynamic mechanical behavior of poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) containing small concentrations of cholesteryl chloride (ChCl), cholesteryl caprylate (ChCp), and cholesteryl laurate (ChL) have been studied in the temperature range -20 to 80°C. Tan αmax (dielectric and mechanical) in all systems containing an additive shifts to lower temperature compared to that in pure PBMA. In the glassy region, the dynamic storage modulus E′ for all the PBMA plus additive systems is higher than that for pure PBMA. This behavior is similar to the β-peak suppression and the increase in tensile strength of poly(vinyl chloride) on addition of a small concentration of plasticizer. Using the WLF equation with C1 and C2 obtained from the data on pure PBMA, the reference temperature To for PBMA plus additive systems are determined for the best fit of the experimental points to the WLF curve and are in agreement with measured glass-transition temperatures. With respect to To of pure PBMA, the To of PBMA ...

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