
Although diel food habit studies have been undertaken on a number of individual species, few studies have examined diel variation in the diets of fish communities. We examined the diel diet variation and feeding periodicity of a fish community in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania. Nine species, totalling 1,098 fish, were collected at 4-h intervals over a 24-h period in October 1989, in numbers sufficient to describe their diel variation in diet composition. Diel variation in diet composition was evident in all species, as no single prey taxon was dominant in the diet of any species during any 4-h interval. Ephemeropterans were the most important prey taxa for four species of centrarchids, whereas chironomids were the main prey of banded killifish, mimic shiners, and spotfin shiners. Algae was the major component in the diet of spottail shiners, whereas bluntnose minnows contained mostly detritus. Feeding activities of rock bass, redbreast sunfish, and pumpkinseed occurred at low levels throughout the day; peak feeding occurred from 2000 to 0400 hours. Food consumption of smallmouth bass increased throughout the day with peak consumption occurring at 2000 hours. Non-centrarchids fed little during daylight hours and showed peak activity at 2000–2400 h. Construction of a 24-hour diet from six 4-h interval estimates and feeding periodicity data provided a comprehensive representation of the diel feeding ecology of all species collected.

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