
We studied diel and seasonal movements of 21 radio-tagged shortfinned, Anguilla australis Gray, and longfinned, A. dieffenbachii, eels in two small New Zealand streams. Movements of eels commenced at dusk, with a higher proportion of shortfinned eels moving per night than longfinned eels, and also moving greater distances. Both species often showed extensive movements immediately after tagging, but thereafter movements were limited. In the smaller stream, home ranges averaged 30 and 10 m for shortfinned and longfinned eels, respectively, but not all eels were active on every night. There were no seasonal differences in mean distances moved. In both streams, eel movement was almost exclusively bankside, and seldom cross-channel; eels also showed considerable fidelity to a particular bank. Shortfinned eels were most commonly found in runs, and longfinned eels in riffles.

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