
The presence of lifestyle related coronary risk factors among South African business executivesThe general health status of an employee often displays a direct relationship with his productivity. This phenomenon, to a large extent, initiated the trend in several companies to provide the so-called “employeesupporter programmes" which concentrate on a holistic approach towards total well-being. The lifestyle of the South African executive is to a large extent destructive of health and total well-being. In many cases this leads to premature retirement, serious illnesses and even death. Executives (388) of 20 companies representing the mining, steel, construction, financial and motor industry, were evaluated for the purpose of this article. The mean age of the respondents was 44,6 ± 0.6 years. In 74,3% of the cases a low physical working capacity was found (<2,5 Watt kg-1), while 4,6% of the executives showed a percentage body fat of >20% which is regarded as a coronary risk factor. In 38,7% a n d 58,2% of the cases elevated systolic a n d diastolic blood pressure values were respectively found. The following amount of respondents showed elevated values with regard to the biochemical parameters: total cholesterol(69,5%), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (64,8%), triglycerides (24,1%) and total cholesterol/HDL ratio (77,0%). In 42,2% of the cases an abnormally low level of high density lipoprotein was found.


  • The general health status o f an employee often displays a direct relationship with his productivity

  • In 74,3% o f the cases a low physical working capacity was fo u n d (20% which is regarded as a coronary risk factor

  • Identiteit word gevolglik nie meer bepaal deur wie jy is nie maar deur w at jy doen, hoeveel jy w eet, hoe hoog jo u inkomste is en watter prestasies jy lewer

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Ons leef volgens Louw (1992) in ’n pragmatiese eeu w aar die c/oe/7-kwahteite en. £enw.v-kwaliteite van ’n persoon sw aarder w eeg as sy w eei-kwaliteite. Sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke karakter van ons samelewing is volgens navorsers (Bellingham et al, 1989; Sweeting, 1990) by uitstek daarvoor verantwoordelik dat die mens op geestelike gebied nie meer vaste steunpunte het nie. Die mens wat beheer word deur dit wat hy dink ander van hom dink en verwag, het volgens Eagleton (1992) ’n intense vrees vir verwerping. ’n persoon vrees dat hy nie volgens die verwagtinge van mense sal presteer nie en dit beteken vir hom totale verwerping. Die mens het nie (bykomend tot sy menswees) ’n religieuse roeping nie; sy liele bestaan - insluitend die manier hoe hy sy liggaam versorg - is diens aan God o f ’n afgod. Verheerlik God dan in julle liggaam en julle gees wat aan God behoort” (1 Kor. 6:19, 20)

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