
The merits and demerits of an all-rounder legal ac ademic. A critical appraisal of Johan van der Vyver’s contribution to legal scholarship in South Africa This article assesses the contribution of Johan van der Vyver to legal scholarship in South Africa. It does so with reference to his qualities and contributions as:• all-rounder,• mentor;• Neo-Calvinist legal philosopher,• herald of human rights,• scholar and theoretician of Private Law and• scholar and theoretician of Public Law. His achievement as legal academic is not merely described but also appraised. It is argued that he must primarily be seen as a Neo-Calvinist legal philosopher in the Kuyperian tradition. His work as one of three foremost academic exponents of the idea and practice of human rights in South Africa is all the more remarkable because his initial ideas were developed in an environment not particularly conducive to an endeavour of this kind. As scholar of Private Law his main contribution has been the development of the theory of subjective rights in Private Law (and in a purist vein). He is, however, criticised for a paucity of reflection on the development of a similar theory in Public Law.


  • All-rounder, mentor; Neo-Calvinist legal philosopher, herald of human rights, scholar and theoretician of Private Law and scholar and theoretician ofPublic Law

  • It is argued that he must primarily be seen as a Neo-Calvinist legal philosopher in the Kuyperian tradition

  • His work as one o f three foremost academic exponents of the idea and practice of human rights in South Africa is all the more remarkable because his initial ideas were developed in an environment not conducive to an endeavour of this kind

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Die alsydige regsakademikus

Johan Van der Vyver se (vak-)wetenskaplike oeuvre spreek van sy alsydigheid. Aan die PU vir CHO was Johan van der Vyver in die eerste plek regsfilosoof en het hy sowat alles wat met die regsfilosofie te make het (op Potchefstroom is dit ’n mondvol!) gedoseer: Regsfilosofie (geskiedenis en sistematiek), Inleiding tot die Regswetenskap (aanvanklik deel van Privaatreg in die eerste jaar), Interfakultêre Wysbegeerte (soos dit destyds geheet het), Regsetiek en Menseregte (oor laasgenoemde in 5 hieronder meer). In my bydrae elders in hierdie nommer (“Die sakelys vir wetsteksvertolking en die epog van konstitusionalisme in Suid-Afrika”) beskryf ek hom as ’n regs­ filosoof wat regsfilosofie “prakties” en werklikheidsbetrokke bedryf. Komende van oudstudente, is nietemin waarderend: terreine waarmee die leermeester hulle aanvanklik op ’n voortreflike wyse vertroud gemaak het, word deur die skrywers krities (verder) verken

Die mentor
Die Neo-Calvinistiese regsfilosoof
Die menseregte-herout
Die privaatregsgeleerde en -teoretikus
Die publiekregsgeleerde en -teoretikus
Johan van der Vyver se wetenskaplike oeuvre3
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