
The field hospitals of the Republican forces during the South African War, 1899-1902During the South African War (1899-1902) the Republican military forces were based on traditional commando systems. These forces were unfamiliar with large-scale war and ignorant about military medical services. Poor organisation led to the establishment of fie ld hospitals which differed in size and efficiency. Many local and foreign doctors offered their services privately or to Red Cross societies. The field hospitals were initially run on a permanent basis but declined drastically during the war of movement. A fter September 1900 the organised medical service collapsed and only a few doctors could persevere with the commandos up to the end. The Anglo-Boer War marked a turning point in the history of military medical organisation and paradoxically pro v id ed an opportunity fo r progress in medical knowledge. The process of treating wounds was revised, the necessity of antisepsis was emphasised. X-rays were used fo r diagnosis and the need for trained military nurses came to the fore during this historical period.


  • D uring the South A frican War (1899-1902) llw Republican m ilitary fo rces were based on traditional commando systems

  • Poor organisation led to the establishm ent o f fie ld hospitals w hich differed in size and efficiency

  • The field hospitals were initially run on a perm anent basis but declined drastically during the war o f movement

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Die belang van veldhospitale in m ilitêre geneeskunde

Oor die algemeen gesproke is militêre geneeskunde se primêre doelwit om gewondes ten tyde van gewapende konflik te hulp te snel, eerstehulp toe te pas, hulle van die slagveld af te voer en in hospitale waar geneeskundige versorging beskikbaar is, op le neem. Die buitelandse Rooi Kruishulp aan die Republieke het veral uit Nederland, Duitsland en Rusland in die vonn van volledig toegeruste ambulanse gekom. Sedert die Klassieke tyd met die totstandkoming van die Hippokratiese eed wat geneeshere by die begin van hulle professionele loopbaan aflê, word ’n filosofie van diens aan die naaste deur geneeshere onderskryf. M et die professionele grondslag wat Florence Nightingale in 1860 in verpleging gelê het, het opgeleide verpleegsters ook klem gelê op etiese gedrag wat aanvanklik op die lees van die geneeskunde geskoei was. G eneeshere en verpleegsters uit die buiteland het benewens die etiese beginsels van hulle onderskeie professies ook die humanistiese uitgangspunt van die Geneefse Konvensie nagestreef.

G eneeskundige organisasie en gcreedheidspeil van die R ep u b liek e
Inrigting van veldhospitale
W ater en lewensmiddele
Funksionering van veldhospitale
Interne geneeskunde
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