
AbstractThe distribution and variability of the subspecies of Panorpa germanica in south-eastern Europe are shown. The type-specimens of P. gibberosa MeLachlan, 1869 and P. titschacki Esben-Petersen, 1934, which must be regarded as subspecies of germanica, were re-examined and are described. P. germanica titschacki is distributed in southern Yugoslavia and central northern Greece. P. germanica graeca Lauterbach is not as widespread as Lauterbach (1972) suggested as some of his types belong to titschacki. P. germanica is still unknown from the Peloponnesus, ♀♀ mentioned from there by Willmann (1974) are P. lacedaemonia. Contradicting Bartos (1965) P. cognata is not known from Albania since the specimens determined by him as cognata belong to germanica. The relationships between several subspecies of P. germanica are discussed. New records of the allied P. lacedaemonia are added and used to indicate the distribution area of this species.

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