
‘The pen is mightier than the sword’: Literacy and scribes in Israel during the Second Temple period. This article is divided in two parts. Part one examines scribal education and scribes in the ancient Near East and Israel. Although no real evidence exists for scribal schools and education in Israel, it is argued that some form of institutionalised training must have taken place in order to produce literary texts of such a high quality as are found in the Hebrew Bible. Comparative material from Mesopotamia serves to trace the education of scribes in general. Part two focuses on the Second Temple period in ancient Israel. Ezra the scribe emerges as a typical scribe from that era. Post-exilic Israel was grappling with its identity, and sought guidance from ַ [as was written in the Torah]. However, it appears that there were different interpretations of the written Law during this period. Scribes of the Ezra circle advocated a radical policy of exclusivity on the basis of what was written in the Law; others who wrote the texts of Trito-Isaiah and Ruth pleaded for a more inclusive attitude towards foreigners. The conclusion is that the battle was fought not with the sword, but with the pen, therefore: ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’


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  • ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’: Literacy and scribes in Israel during the Second Temple period

  • No real evidence exists for scribal schools and education in Israel, it is argued that some form of institutionalised training must have taken place in order to produce literary texts of such a high quality as are found in the Hebrew Bible

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Die ontwikkeling vann skrywersklas

Die ou Nabye-Oosterse beskawing, ou Israel inkluis, was grotendeels ongeletterd. Bitter min mense kon lees en skryf. Alhoewel ’n mens baie versigtig moet wees om direkte parallelle tussen skrifopleiding in Mesopotamië en ou Israel te trek, is daar bewyse dat die Israelitiese skrifgeleerdes wel die een of ander vorm van formele onderrig ontvang het. 5.Crenshaw (1985:604) dui ook die volgende tekste aan as getuienis wat geletterdheid wel in ou Israel bestaan het: Rigters 8:13–17 vertel van Gideon watn jongman van Sukkot vang, en wat vir hom die name van die leiers van die stad opskryf; in Jesaja 8:16 gee Jesaja opdrag aan sy volgelinge om eers stil te bly oor wat hy hulle geleer het; Job versoek in Job 31:35 dat iemand watn klag teen hom het, dit op skrif moet stel sodat hy dit bekend kan maak en sy onskuld bewys; die Here sê vir Habakuk (2:2) om sy openbaring op kleitablette te skryf sodat die mense dit kan lees

Judeërs of Israeliete?
Esra se dubbele persoonlikheid
Wie was die skrifgeleerdes?
Maar wat presies is in die Torah geskryf?
Mededingende belange
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