
In this article the author discusses the necessity of cultural differentiation in education. Following a brief introduction in which various viewpoints are compared and contrasted, he outlines the concepts of culture, education and educational system, following this by a discussion of the interaction between culture and the educational system. He further illuminates this by referring to a number of the modes of existence of educational systems. In the physical manifestation of an educational system three main components can be distinguished, viz. educational policy, educational administration and execution of education. After a close reasoning and explication of these points, he comes to the conclusion that the educational system also belongs to culture, in that the educational system is man's most comprehensive cultural product in the field of education and teaching. This leads to the second part of the article where close attention is paid to the links between culture and the aims of education, between culture and the cirriculum. He comes to the final conclusion then that cultural differentiation is essential in education. Each country with a multi-cultural society has to work hard, through research and honest reflection, to enrich and to refine the existing practices in education.


  • In this a rtic le the author d iscusses the n ece ss ity of cu ltu ra l d iffe r e n ­ tiation in ed ucation

  • Follow ing a b rie f intro d uctio n in w hich v a rio u s view points are com pared and co n trasted, he outlines the concepts of c u ltu re, education and educational system ., following this by a discussion of the interaction between cu ltu re and the educational system

  • A fte r a close reasoning and explication of these p o in ts, he comes to the conclusion that the educational system belongs to c u ltu re, in that the educa ­ tional system is man's most com p reh en sive c u ltu ra l p ro d u ct in the fie ld of education and teach ing

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Kii 1tu u r

O or wat die b eg rip "k u ltu u r” behels, kon daar dusver nie onder d enkers tot eenstem m igheid gekom w ord nie, ve ra l omdat ve rsk ifle n d e kundiges die b egrip vanuit n besondere persp ektief of kennisveld belig (M olendijk, 1971:7) Dikwels word die b eg rip "k u ltu u r " bep erk tot d ie fy n e re uitin g e van die m enslike gees, soos b yvo o rb ee ld die beeldende k u n ste , m usiek en lette rku nd e, terw yl andere k u ltu u r om skryf as die voile aksieradius van dip m enslike lewe (Heyns , 1982:134). V o lk s k u ltu u r kan dus o m skryf w ord as die eieso ortige ideale, d o elstellin g e , a k tiw ite ite , b elang stellin g s en gedragspatron e van n bepaalde vo lk , onder leiding van n bepaalde le w e nsbe sko u in g , soos v e rg e s ta lt in d a ard ie volk se geloof, herkom s, trad isie, geskiedenis, kuns, wetenskap, lite ra tu u r, taal, politiek, ekonomie, arb eid so riën tasie en in d u strie te w e. Die k u ltu u r van n volk of gem eenskap is dus nie net sy tra d isie s , vo lk slie d jie s, kuns en lite ra tu u r nie maar die totale arb eid en a rb eid sp ro d u k wat aan n volk eie is. Die bestaande k u ltu u r moet a lty d as grondslag v ir die ve ra n d e rin g en ontw ikkeling van die v o lk sk u ltu u r d ien

Onderwysste Ise I
In in I ding
H ie k u ltu u r on d i r omlerwysinoLode
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